The Energy Efficient Codes Coalition: Same Mission... New Leadership
The Energy Efficient Codes Coalition (EECC) was founded in 2007 with the goal of advancing the energy efficiency of homes and buildings. Now, as we begin the code development cycle for the 2027 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) the EECC mission continues under new leadership.
Visit our new website and sign up to be an EECC Ally today!
The EECC knows that energy efficiency is more important than it ever has been.
Energy efficient homes and buildings use less of our precious resources. No matter if the resources are foreign or domestic, fossil fuels or clean energy, we need to be good stewards of what we have.
There are a lot of advantages to being good stewards:
Lower utility bills – resulting in lower ownership costs and greater affordability.
Energy security – lowering our dependence on foreign fuel sources and the nations that control them.
Resilience, health and safety – energy efficient homes and buildings provide increase protection against indoor air contaminants, moisture that can cause mold inside walls, heat and cold even when there is a loss of power, and more.
Faster transition to clean energy sources – reducing our energy needs allows us to build fewer or smaller energy generation plants and easing the costs to build new or transition old plants.
Reduced renewable energy and HVAC system sizing – lowering the energy demand of a home or building can reduce the size of the heating and cooling equipment or renewable energy system. This reduces the costs of these systems making them more affordable.
Carbon emissions reductions – when we use less energy we reduce carbon emissions. Even if our energy source is clean there is still carbon associated with the energy system, transmission and use of the energy.
Comfort – people who live and work in energy efficient homes and buildings report being more comfortable due to more consistent temperatures and fewer drafts.
Most recently the EECC was led by Amy Boyce at the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and oversaw the improvements that were realized in the 2021 and 2024 IECC editions.
We are happy to announce that while IMT continues to support energy efficiency as an ally of the EECC, the leadership is transitioning to Amy Schmidt, of Nest Solutions who will serve as the EECC Executive Director.
Don’t forget to visit our website and sign up to be an EECC Ally at for updates and news related to energy code development and adoption!