Muddy Road Ahead

Energy Efficiency Friends,

The 2027 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) development process has left the stable, but the road is muddy.

The International Code Council (ICC) has a public page dedicated to the process HERE. However, early on the meeting notices and information about meeting agendas and other updates have been late and sometimes missing all together.  We hope this changes as staff and subgroup chairs get their feet under them.

We have posted the preliminary schedule with meeting links as well as EECC code change proposal recommendations on the Code Development page of our website HERE. We do not include all the proposals in the document, but we do include the proposals that we have identified as having the largest potential positive or negative affect on the efficiency homes and buildings.  We also include links to the code change proposal (ICC cdpAccess-energy registration is required).

We hope that you will join us and other advocates to speak up for energy efficiency throughout this process.  Please share this — your voice is important!

All the best,

Amy Schmidt
Executive Director
Energy Efficiency Codes Coalition


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