It is not what you know that matters. It is sharing and using what you know to make the world a better place that matters.
Code Development
Code Adoption
For commercial and residential energy code adoption maps, status and other useful information.
A useful set of tools to better help you understand how to encourage and participate in energy code adoption in your state or jurisdiction.
DOE has determined that each new version of the energy codes saves more energy than the previous since 2009.
DOE provides unbiased analysis based on a publicly vetted methodology.
ICF’s analysis of the cost effectiveness of the IECC. This report largely agrees with DOE’s findings.
ICF comparison of DOE, ICF and HIRL analyses. Highlighting where there were major departures in reasonable assumptions in the HIRL report.
Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations that participate in code adoption and work to educate stakeholders about the energy codes:
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: Link
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships: Link
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: Link
South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource: Link
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project: Link
This report takes a close look at the energy burdens across the U.S. and how energy efficiency plays a key role in making housing more affordable.
This report demonstrates the importance of energy efficiency in lowering energy costs and in creating access to clean energy.
This paper examines and counters two talking points that energy efficiency opponents often use to combat the advancement of energy codes.
This fact sheet shows that for every $1 invested in energy efficiency homeowners can save up to $3 in energy costs and increase resale value.
Energy Code Compliance
This page allows you to select the State you are working in and get a snap shot of the insulation, duct and air leakage requirements. They also provide installation guidance and other related resources.
This website provides state specific guidance for commercial roof insulation compliance for low slope above deck insulation systems.
This is a continuous insulation resource guide that includes Quick Guides, Fact Sheets and other Code Compliance information for foam plastic insulated sheathing materials.