The cleanest and most affordable energy is the energy that does not have to be produced in the first place.

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At the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition (EECC) we believe energy efficiency should be prioritized.

Energy efficiency helps:

Reduce the energy consumption

Aide the transition to cleaner energy sources

Use our energy more wisely (regardless of its source)

Reduce our dependence on foreign fuel sources

Lower operational energy costs (bills) for home and building owners

Maintain or improve occupant comfort

Code Development

Building energy codes are the starting place for local, state and federal building energy efficiency policy. They provide the minimum requirements for building efficiency or in other words, they establish the lowest level of efficiency that is allowed by law.

The International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1 are the model national energy codes in for the U.S. They are updated every 3 years.

EECC believes that balanced participation in the development of these codes and continual energy efficiency improvement are critical for meeting our goals.

Code Adoption

Codes do not become enforceable (legal requirements) until they are adopted by a state or local jurisdiction. It is up to the state or local jurisdiction to decide which version of the code they will adopt, whether or not the code is amended (weakened or strengthened) and when it will go into effect.

EECC supports the adoption of energy codes that advance energy efficiency, are life cycle cost effective, and provide safe and comfortable environments for building occupants.

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